Sunday, March 25, 2007

15 stoogers

Ah, yes.....It takes 15 votes from the UN security council to unanimously approve UN sanctions on Iran....

Ive always wondered why the other organisation (oooooh i seeee), with 57 nations under its belt, and with only 1 country (Pakistan..and im not going to explain why they can) allowed to acquire nuclear weapons isn't saying a word to help another muslim nation..the least they could do is economically help each other..who cares what the UN is doing....they are just bull.....Anyone who remembers this:


would know that the UN has always closed one eye when it comes to some countries....

Its all because they Kow-tow to the following:

מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל

p/s: No, it doesnt stand for cow dung...It stands for ******

Saturday, March 24, 2007

IDR here we GO..............$$$$$$$$

Wah..........the Government is really serious about the IDR in Johor....corp. tax relief for 10 years, unlimited import of foreign workers etc..AND with the proposal of a bullet train from KL-Lion CIty (wonder what will happen to KTM's operation), developing Johor is damn big...

While i applaud the gov for coming up with these incentives to develop IDR, one thing that has always bugged me is what will happen next. I mean, okay, we are now trying to be on par with Lion city (no doubt) but sometimes i wonder if IDR will actually benefit our fellow "friends" across the Tambak Johor rather than our own citizens..Oops!Hold on, it will benefit Malaysians actually - employment opportunities, increase in FDI, and "Disneyland"..Oh, but i wonder who would be the major investors in IDR..Can't wait...

p/s: Em, Lions, maybe??.......I'm Crapping again....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

21st March 2007, 4:00pm-5:30pm

A big day for the organisation ,eh.....What a year 2006 has been......

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Will Iran be next?

I was contemplating whether or not I should be writing about the developments pertaining to the “threat” by bush to attack Iran. First, I’m sick of listening to all the “bull” by bush who thinks that the world is his. Secondly, all everyone could do is sit down and do nothing (which includes me). Thirdly, what are the OIC doing? Rather than just voicing out rhetorically, can’t they do something for once? Minus the difference (Shi’ites and Sunni’s), OIC countries can do more to help. I’m sorry to say this, but what can you expect from the Arabs? They allow US to set up military bases all over the Gulf region, all equipped and on standby. Air-Sea-Land, just name it, the american’s are ready to attack anytime. How stupid can they be? On one hand you’re “supporting” your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, and on the other you’re allowing them to use your country as for their military base, ready to attack the Muslim community.

This brings us back to the main topic. Being an Islamic nation, Iran will be attacked. Yes, I believe Iran will be attacked. No, better still, I think they have already been attacked for quite some time. Sanctions by UN, labeled as one of the axis of evil by bush, Iran has actually been consistently attacked whether we realise it or not. So, Will Iran be next? Will it?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Part 3: Figures..Numbers...Figures

Ah, yes...the figures are out..OFFICIAL GDP: 5.9% for 06'.....Thank you, Malaysia for the economic "success".....

Some excerpts:

Year GDP: 5.9%

4th Quarter 06': 5.7%

For more intake on the report go to BNM's webbie.