Thursday, May 3, 2007

22 men and a football......

What a crazy day it has been...while i hate to grumble about my work, sometimes it just gets to me...well, today is no different. Just that i was silly enough to watch the 2:45 am game and i barely slept for 2 hours before heading to work...sometimes i just think its not worth the energy and time to watch 22 silly men running around for a football (like my late Grandpa once argued)...was practically drowsy at work, lethargic, lack of concentration, headaches etc2...i need a doctor..

In the end, the best medicine was a 30 minute sleeping therapy at the office (right after work) before speeding back home safely in one piece.the end.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


emm...ever since i was in secondary school, ive always believed that there exist a "conspiracy" against the Muslim world, and im confident many feel the same....over the years, this pre-teen theory has developed into one with basis and facts...recently a friend showed me a flashback on what has been happening to the Muslim world...from the collapse of the Ottoman empire in Turkey (which was turned into a secular state by mustafa kamal al-attartuk), to the deployment of agents by the british government in Saudi Arabia and most of the Muslim nations...

interesting enough, the questions playing in my head all the while was also highlighted in this documentary..Why didnt the Pakistani government (which has nuclear warheads) aid the Muslim nations when attacked by the West? For whom are these warheads for? and many2 more......

Some excerpts from this documentary which is still ringing through my mind:

  "Saya bertanya kepada kalian..bagaimanakah kelak kalian akan berhadapan dengan Allah SWT di hari Kiamat , ketikamana yang bersama kalian adalah seorang anak muslimin dari Palestin. Ia berkata, "Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan, Aku telah meminta pertolongan dari umat Islam.Namun umat Islam tidak menjawab panggilanku...Umat Islam telah mengecewakanku..Bilakah umat Islam akan bangun?Bilakah ia akan sedar akan permasalahan utamanya? "

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

full time job vs part time job..

man, i must really try to manage my time well..thats why ive  rarely been blogging these few weeks (guess blogging aint a full time job for me) what has happen these few weeks..

emm...the ijok by-election..same old crap...same old story...both sides wanting a piece of each other...same old stupidity.....ive never believed in the democracy voiced out by the west and followed in this part of the world (sorry to say)..yeap,thats my view..

enough of elections...em...some rumours spreading that CUEPACS is disagreeing with the government's salary adjustment/revisions. some even claim that majority of the civil servants are living below the "actual poverty line" and have resorted to performing part-time jobs such as being taxi drivers..well, i must say there might be truth in it..

lets see..say an average joe (with a wife and 2 kids), who's pay is roughly RM1,500..So where and what will the person spend it on, say in KL.


= RM25/day = RM750/month

Transport (assuming only public transport)

= RM5/day = RM150/month


= RM400/month


= 2 kids x RM5 x 20 days= RM200/month


= RM100/month

TOTAL = RM(750+150+400+200+100) = RM1,600.00

So basically, that person is not earning enough to cover the family's expenses (short by RM100)..i might be right or wrong here but heck this is just a rough estimate...but, Maybe these guys who decline to accept the government's planned revision may have something on here...