Sunday, June 1, 2008


These days the weather n natural disasters seems to be unpredictable..the hurricanes here & there, the earthquakes rattling Asia (and even iceland)..

guess its the same with have ups and stand up on your feet only to realise that youve fallen back put on a big smile only to find out it lasted just a second or get showered with praises only to realise that someones actually nagging at you...

then you realise that life is so short and we gotta make the most of it, with the hope of getting blessed by the Almighty.

just a thought to ponder

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

60 years

60 years (or probably longer) and still counting….that’s how long the suffering of the Palestinian people have been…this past two weeks has since seen a number of things unravel. Firstly, an idiot sniper did something silly to humiliate Muslims in


..then a so-called leader had the guts to visit a middle eastern country and begged for them to increase oil production and then flew to another Arab nation gave an utter bull of a speech lashing out at Arab nations..argh, this is what the world has been..

p/s: a quake recently felt in sabah was too close a call…emm..Praying hard that


does not experience any other catastrophe/disaster..

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cyclone = - supply

What really struck me these days are the various events that have been occuring throughout the globe……for instance the catastrophic & disastrous cyclone in


..over 20,000 people dead, with more than 40,000 more missing. Besides the loss of lives,


was also (in one day) transformed from being a major exporter of rice to a net importer of rice. The paddy fields were simply flooded and destroyed in a blink of the eye. Then comes the HFMD outbreak that has been affecting a couple of countries..then the comes the giant sinkhole in


which has been ‘gobbling’ houses, electricity post etc.. when you sum up all these events, it makes you stop and ponder for a moment. With the erratic weather and global environmental problems, are we actually heading for a global food crisis? Sounds scary but everyone should think about it. With global food supplies outstripped by the exuberant demand, how long can the world population sustain..

p/s: food glorious more.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


A couple of days ago, I watched BBC’s HardTalk which aired the interview with Tun Mahathir…While I may not agree with everything he does, I still admire his guts to voice out against the West….He has not lost any of his flair of answering spontaneous questions like the ones posted to him during the interview...


Pepper…this little gastronomic commodity is a marvelous spice and was once (and probably still is..) an important trading commodity dated way back centuries ago… can get em’ in various colours; black, white, red and green…..

Some may be aware on how these various assortment of peppers are actually manufactured…. recently there was a story of how a green pepper and white pepper were brought from different locations and met up to be packaged in a manufacturing plant…from the outside both peppers were different in colour and probably taste……..the vast difference in colour, have not prevented em’ from expressing a similar distinct taste that would brighten and spice up any dishes…the moment these peppers meet up, the spicy taste of the peppers simply tickle the taste buds and brings a smile to any pepper-eating homo sapiens….so, however different the peppers may look, they still bought about a wonderful ending, i.e. enhancing dishes and tickling the taste buds…

Crapping...-the end-

Monday, April 21, 2008

Imran N Hosein

To be honest ive not heard of this Islamic scholar before..but one day , by chance, i bumped into a book he wrote entitled, "Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age"...

Who is this scholar?

He was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, Philosophy and International Relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.

He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.

He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. He also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in USA. He was the Imam, for sometime, at Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York. He also led the weekly Juma'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years continuously.

Btw, he has his own website....(you can even download the e-book version of his!)

Saturday, April 19, 2008


havent been reading the newspapers of late.....but the other day, was appalled with the latest massacre orchastrated by is***l on the Palestinian seems to be like a ritual for them to kill innocent Palestinians....the world is indeed in tatters....the signs are there for us to ponder and think....but the burgeoning question, am i all prepared to face The Day? emm...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Life oh Life

Life can sometimes amaze you with so many suprises…

 Musharaff experienced it in


Mugabe felt it in


the Kenyan’s also sprang up some surprises, Oh and yeah


too..But what do all of
these countries have in common? Wind of change…..whether its good or bad, no
one can tell…

 For months, the world has been practically plagued with
increase in prices of commodities/food….the latest being the price of Rice…with
Vietnam clamping on their rice exports, the shortage in supply in some
countries have sparked an outrage among rice eaters.. the world would face a
looming food crisis going forward if measures to mitigate it are not done….prices
have practically been soaring to historical highs….one would wonder what would
be the next item/commodity that would spiral upwards…just hope that the price
of belacan a.k.a “Malaysian cheese” wont follow the same trend as other

p/s: crapping with facts

Sunday, March 30, 2008


First it was the its the dutch..they just dont respect other religions..i guess its true that certain quarters of the society and countries are blindly closing one eye whenever Islam is made fun of...take for instance this recent controversy regarding the film 'fitna' by that $%^&*!*&^ dutch...what did the EU say? they cooked up some statement but not officially condemning the bloody film...

what should we do then? boycott dutch n danish goods??em....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


whilst trying to eat dinner, something interesting was aired on tv; a show called 'a question of arab unity'..actually it has been aired for quite sometime (i guess)..basically shows the history behind the formation of the arab world from an empire to what it is today....ive always dreamt that one day the arab world would someday unite n be as powerful if not more powerful than the other so called 'powerful' countries....but i guess for the time being it'll not materialise....then the news flash on Fatah-Hamas signing the Sana'a declaration..hopefully this would lead to continued unity in Palestine...

talking about unity, guess we too have some distance before truly achieving unity here in Malaysia...

p/s: just another blog entry..over n out.

Monday, March 24, 2008

F1+Rain+Traffic jam+Flood = Headache

Watched the 'last' afternoon F1 race ever held at Sepang (forgot ear plugs!! deaf!) year onwards its gonna b at night...rather than facing the extreme heat next year, the spectators would have to face the mosquitoes around the circuit..hehe..

Sunday afternoon till night, it was raining heavily...missed the super slam Sunday matches due to the signal interruption from ASTRO..

Monday was terrible..........the road was sssoooo jammed from the sg.besi toll due to the closure of the S-E-M-A-K (or SMART) Tunnel..being a novice with KL roads, i just 'belasah' and took a detour with the hope of reaching work on time...n i did..phew!

And to add salt to the wound, it rained really bad on monday afternoon...dataran merdeka was beginning to look like the paddy fields in Kedah...and the surrounding roads were already transforming into the familiar teh tarik colour...the roads were jammed, cars stranded here and there...headache....

F1+Rain+Traffic jam+Rain+Flood = Headache

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The X

So i finally did exercise my democratic right by voting on the 8th of march....the outcome? Penang will be under a new government....

Must say it was indeed a shock to some malaysians that penang, kedah, perak, selangor would fall onto a new administration..well thats politics i guess...the familiar faces of MBs and CM now being oppositions in their respective states.

It is definitely an eye opener.......election post mortem by the gov? doesnt take a rocket scientist to identify the problem....hopefully they will get back their senses and continue helping the rakyat..

Love the rakyat, and you shall be loved.

Regards,                                                                                       from an independent voter.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wasting time...

I guess nowadays, many have been complaining about increasing prices etc.. the worst hit, are probably those middle-income families earning a decent living in the urban areas...cant really complain that much, with prices of food, commodities in the global market sky rocketing; its a never ending story..

moving on to the US pres. nominations..Couldnt resist digging in on the US presidential its just mcCain vs Obama vs Clinton....with clinton winning the latest primaries, tough call so to say the least...

but My guess for the Presidential elections:                            McCain vs interesting..

i dont care whoever wins,cos one things for sure, they'll always back israel and ill-treat Palestinians... :-(

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Months has passed...

How long has it been? close to 5 months i guess since i bombarded this blog with silly postings....alas, back from hibernation..

Guess there is a new craving by the name of facebook. haha..

oh, well. so what's new....election??boring..the same old not going to get into it...tired of wasting time and energy discussing bout it...

work? tiring to bits..some days u tend to enjoy em' some days u dont...reports here, reports there, analysing here, analysing many things in one day...its true that once uve started working, its hard to ever get one's life back into shape again..

just watched the recent resolution passed in UN on the further restrictions on Iran...oh, well it aint shocking is it...iraq n tatters, pakistanis practically blowing each other away, israelis running rampant in Gaza killing innocent Palestinians...the world is in a mess...  :-(