Lets put it straight, im not a fanatic fan of Malaysian football (probably the last I had interest was the days of scott ollerenshaw, merzagua abd razak, radhi che din, azman adnan etc.). From the current national squad, i only recognise safee sali and khairul che fahmi. This is my honest assessment on the friendly match between Australia and Malaysia. While I wasn’t really hopeful of Malaysia winning or scoring, I would still have hoped that Malaysia put on a real fight. To be honest, I was fairly disappointed with the spirit shown by the Malaysian players. Why? Even though it was just a friendly game, our players should’ve played far better than what we witnessed on Friday. To disappoint the Malaysian fans (mostly students), some travelled as far as from Melbourne (~8 hour journey) and Sydney (~3 hours) is an utter shame. With the exception of a handful of players, most of the Malaysian players who were on the field lack enthusiasm. Sloppy passing, body language as if they were not keen to play etc. If you guys were at the stadium, the Malaysian supporters were cheering the loudest in the stadium supporting our team. Even a couple of Aussie blokes were giving credit to our supporters despite us being hammered by the Socceroos. To be honest, the team should’ve apologise to the supporters. I’m saying all this not to ‘kutuk’ the team, but all of you should’ve played better than that. To fly >8 hours from KL to Canberra via Sydney and play like that, you guys are just wasting FAM’s money or whoever’s money that is sponsoring you guys.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Assalamualaikum......been awhile since i last posted something ....when i recall my postings during the early days, it was filled with econs, politics etc......lets be clear here, ive never affiliated myself with any political party...and i hope to remain so...bukannya apa, i just think that malaysian politics just plain stinks....baik the opposition or the government...
just to divert, ever since i moved to canberra, i love to observe & compare..dont get me wrong, i still love my country...malaysia is all blessed with all the opportunities to be closer to Allah, the facilities, mosque, surau, etc but at times we take it for granted....but when its tough to find those facilities (i.e. in a foreign country), there seems to be a sense of unity among the ummah, a sense of inner strength to find a way to perform our duties to Allah..the other day, when my friends and me went to sydney to pray at York Street (behind this convenience store) i was greeted so cordially by the muslim brother who looked happy that we were performing our prayers... :-)
the other thing is halal food..there seems to be differences in how muslims eat in a foreign country where halal food is not freely available..three categories here, category: 1. some muslims here just eat anything as long as its not pork (which means ayam, itik, daging yang tidak disembelih pun dibantainya)...2. some other muslims would strictly eat only halal meat or avoid a joint which serves pork...3. some muslims pulak just dont care and belasah aje apa2, nak hidup la katakan....interesting that muslims have a different understanding walhal, i think category no.2 can still live eventhough he/she cant eat a Big Mac or a Whopper...hehe..
the worse is when i hear this statement from a muslim (who so happens to drink wine / beer) a week before ramadhan: "darn, im not suppose to drink when its close to ramadhan, Allah prohibits drinking alcohol." pening kepala mendengar statement macamni.. i did advise, tegur these people, but its up to them to decide.,,i guess the alcohol must have clogged their judgement...oh well, these are the different people we would bump into in our journeys...im never perfect anyway...just hope these people would change and be a better muslim.
**this is just an observation with no specific reference to anyone...
Ibnu Abbas r.a meriwayatkan katanya: Sesungguhnya syaitan itu membisikkan kepada kawan-kawan mereka supaya membantah kamu. Sabda Nabi SAW : Mereka berkata: Binatang yang disebutkan nama Allah, janganlah kamu memakannya dan binatang yang tidak disebutkan nama Allah, maka hendaklah kamu memakannya. Maka Allah berfirman : Maka janganlah kamu makan binatang yang tidak disebutkan nama Allah. (Riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ibnu Majah dan Abu Daud)
just to divert, ever since i moved to canberra, i love to observe & compare..dont get me wrong, i still love my country...malaysia is all blessed with all the opportunities to be closer to Allah, the facilities, mosque, surau, etc but at times we take it for granted....but when its tough to find those facilities (i.e. in a foreign country), there seems to be a sense of unity among the ummah, a sense of inner strength to find a way to perform our duties to Allah..the other day, when my friends and me went to sydney to pray at York Street (behind this convenience store) i was greeted so cordially by the muslim brother who looked happy that we were performing our prayers... :-)
the other thing is halal food..there seems to be differences in how muslims eat in a foreign country where halal food is not freely available..three categories here, category: 1. some muslims here just eat anything as long as its not pork (which means ayam, itik, daging yang tidak disembelih pun dibantainya)...2. some other muslims would strictly eat only halal meat or avoid a joint which serves pork...3. some muslims pulak just dont care and belasah aje apa2, nak hidup la katakan....interesting that muslims have a different understanding walhal, i think category no.2 can still live eventhough he/she cant eat a Big Mac or a Whopper...hehe..
the worse is when i hear this statement from a muslim (who so happens to drink wine / beer) a week before ramadhan: "darn, im not suppose to drink when its close to ramadhan, Allah prohibits drinking alcohol." pening kepala mendengar statement macamni.. i did advise, tegur these people, but its up to them to decide.,,i guess the alcohol must have clogged their judgement...oh well, these are the different people we would bump into in our journeys...im never perfect anyway...just hope these people would change and be a better muslim.
**this is just an observation with no specific reference to anyone...
Ibnu Abbas r.a meriwayatkan katanya: Sesungguhnya syaitan itu membisikkan kepada kawan-kawan mereka supaya membantah kamu. Sabda Nabi SAW : Mereka berkata: Binatang yang disebutkan nama Allah, janganlah kamu memakannya dan binatang yang tidak disebutkan nama Allah, maka hendaklah kamu memakannya. Maka Allah berfirman : Maka janganlah kamu makan binatang yang tidak disebutkan nama Allah. (Riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ibnu Majah dan Abu Daud)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Assalamualaikum....first time posting from canberra dan memilih untuk menulis di bulan Ramadhan....
masa first time tiba di canberra ni, tertanya juga bagaimana nak menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran baru? bagaimana keadaan abah & ma, tok opah, makcik2 pakcik2, abg, sarah, usaid dll? honestly, memang extreme homesick at first...if you come to canberra alone & tak kenal sapa2, it really gets to you...i felt it during the first month i arrived... masa berlalu dengan pantas..tup tap tup tap dah nak masuk bulan ketiga di canberra...Alhamdulillah, puasa & target untuk diri ini dicapai sebaik mungkin....
i recalled one experience or feeling that i faced dulu...umur rasanya darjah 4 @ 10 tahun...masa tu abah sorang2 gigih usaha belajar overseas....memang diri ini boleh bayangkan betapa sukarnya abah berjauhan dengan family ditambah dengan kesukaran yang dilalunya..dan juga kesukaran dilalui the whole family & bila ibu kena urus abg, sarah & me sorg2....emm....hanya dapat komunikasi dengan abah melalui telephone...tu pun beberapa kali aje seminggu..zaman tu skype or video call was unheard of..it was really sad not to have someone really important to you around for a year....pengalaman yang dilalui abah will always remind myself to be even more tabah...Insya Allah..
Selalu berpesan pada diri ini agar terus menghormati ibu bapa dan agar menjaga mereka sebaik mungkin. Love my parents so much...
moga kita terus istiqomah dalam beribadah kepada Allah di bulan yang mulia ini dan selepasnya..
Sabda Rasulullah saw. yang maksudnya: "Redha Allah bergantung kepada redha dua ibu bapa, dan murka Allah bergantung kepada murka kedua-dua ibu bapa." (Riwayat al-Hakim)
masa first time tiba di canberra ni, tertanya juga bagaimana nak menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran baru? bagaimana keadaan abah & ma, tok opah, makcik2 pakcik2, abg, sarah, usaid dll? honestly, memang extreme homesick at first...if you come to canberra alone & tak kenal sapa2, it really gets to you...i felt it during the first month i arrived... masa berlalu dengan pantas..tup tap tup tap dah nak masuk bulan ketiga di canberra...Alhamdulillah, puasa & target untuk diri ini dicapai sebaik mungkin....
i recalled one experience or feeling that i faced dulu...umur rasanya darjah 4 @ 10 tahun...masa tu abah sorang2 gigih usaha belajar overseas....memang diri ini boleh bayangkan betapa sukarnya abah berjauhan dengan family ditambah dengan kesukaran yang dilalunya..dan juga kesukaran dilalui the whole family & bila ibu kena urus abg, sarah & me sorg2....emm....hanya dapat komunikasi dengan abah melalui telephone...tu pun beberapa kali aje seminggu..zaman tu skype or video call was unheard of..it was really sad not to have someone really important to you around for a year....pengalaman yang dilalui abah will always remind myself to be even more tabah...Insya Allah..
Selalu berpesan pada diri ini agar terus menghormati ibu bapa dan agar menjaga mereka sebaik mungkin. Love my parents so much...
moga kita terus istiqomah dalam beribadah kepada Allah di bulan yang mulia ini dan selepasnya..
Sabda Rasulullah saw. yang maksudnya: "Redha Allah bergantung kepada redha dua ibu bapa, dan murka Allah bergantung kepada murka kedua-dua ibu bapa." (Riwayat al-Hakim)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Been quite busy these few weeks...but i guess the federal territory holiday coupled with the chinese new year holidays permits some time to update this dusty blog.....
recently, i had an interesting discussion with a friend on marriage..the issue discussed was the disparity in knowledge in a marriage..i.e. one partner has strong knowledge on something whilst the partner has a strong knowledge on something else....this friend shared that its fine to be in that situation....you complement each other in the sense that you share and disseminate your knowledge for each other's benefit...and in the case that you think you're weak in certain aspects, then dont be shy to learn from others...well said..
if i recall correctly, one Ustaz used to advise us not to be ashamed of learning (especially when it comes to learning the teachings in Islam) as even he still learns from others...learning never ends...if you have learnt the knowledge, then "Re-learn", as you can always refreshen whatever you know on something....
Dari Abu Hurairah ra. bahawasanya Rasulullah saw. bersabda:"Barangsiapa yang menempuh jalan untuk menuntut ilmu maka Allah akan memudahkan baginya jalan ke Syurga". (Riwayat Muslim)
Been quite busy these few weeks...but i guess the federal territory holiday coupled with the chinese new year holidays permits some time to update this dusty blog.....
recently, i had an interesting discussion with a friend on marriage..the issue discussed was the disparity in knowledge in a marriage..i.e. one partner has strong knowledge on something whilst the partner has a strong knowledge on something else....this friend shared that its fine to be in that situation....you complement each other in the sense that you share and disseminate your knowledge for each other's benefit...and in the case that you think you're weak in certain aspects, then dont be shy to learn from others...well said..
if i recall correctly, one Ustaz used to advise us not to be ashamed of learning (especially when it comes to learning the teachings in Islam) as even he still learns from others...learning never ends...if you have learnt the knowledge, then "Re-learn", as you can always refreshen whatever you know on something....
Dari Abu Hurairah ra. bahawasanya Rasulullah saw. bersabda:"Barangsiapa yang menempuh jalan untuk menuntut ilmu maka Allah akan memudahkan baginya jalan ke Syurga". (Riwayat Muslim)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Kedai Akbar.........
Assalamualaikum....posting pertama dari kota singa & sengaja nak tulis dalam bahasa malaysia...maaf jika tatabahasa & struktur ayat hancur...hahah.....:-)
Sambil menelaah bahan2 bacaan kursus yang berlangsung selama 2 minggu ni, tetiba terasa nak menulis (alang2 ada internet percuma).
semalam masa makan malam kat kedai akbar, tjg pagar, cheq dok memerhati gelagat org2 SG kat sana....mula2 ada dua org pakcik ni happy2 and senyum2 aje (pakai kopiah, baju melayu & kain pelikat) dok pekena roti canai & teh tarik sambil sembang rancak...lps habis makan diorg pun beredar mcm nak gi masjid...pergh, beredar dgn BMW 5 series yg baru tu..haha...Alhamdulillah, ada jg org Melayu Islam yang berjaya kat SG..
pas tu lak ada teksi driver tumpang dok meja sebelah minum teh tarik...tgk macam dia renung jauh & ada problem aje...utk bg dia tak murung, cheq ni pun teguq and senyum kat dia dengan selambanya..hehe..dia respond and terus senyum..hehe..
lpas tu ada makcik ni and family dia dok makan apa ntah dlm kedai akbar tu....dengaq dari jauh dia complain pasal apa makanan dia tak pedas..dia kata lain kali kalu masak kenala masak bg pedas2, baru ada kick..hahah..pening kepala si peniaga India Muslim tu melayan..hehe..
Itulah dia gelagat manusia di kedai makan akbar.....belum lagi cerita pasal gelagat peserta kursus yg berbilang negara dan bangsa..pening...haha....:-)
p/s: pe2 pun, untuk harga makanan jika dibandingkan dengan income yg org2 SG ni dapat, memang kuasa membeli diorg tinggi....bayangkan nasi beriyani ayam pun baru SGD5 aje...huhu.
Ok, study2.......dont waste time. ;-p
=================================================================== "Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan, dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan (dan beramah mesra antara satu dengan yang lain). Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang lebih taqwanya di antara kamu, (bukan yang lebih keturunan atau bangsanya). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahuai, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya (akan keadaan dan amalan kamu)". (Surah Al-Hujuraat, Ayat 13)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
tok & opah........
i managed to complete some last minute work (which i'll continue tomorrow..sigh) and made a brief visit to my aunt's place to see my Tok & Opah..
When i arrived , the sight of Tok painting my aunt's gate (his hobby) and Opah still recovering from her ailment, i just cant help but reminiscing the past... i still recall when i was small, how strong Tok was climbing trees, going back and forth to kg.Laneh to visit his kebun, bringing me and my bro for a haircut at a haggard motorcycle repair shop or to the sungai for a dip...and how Opah was able to fend for herself, cook mouth-watering dishes (i.e. pucuk paku, rendang, nasi lemak, kuih muih etc.), tell stories of the past and joke around about Tok..hehe......those were the days....
Everytime they visit us in Bangi, i just cant help thinking how fast time flies....and how their cucu-cucu have all grown up.....imagine starting a family with less than rm50 as savings but in the end with Allah's Izin and Rahmat, this very couple managed to bring up a family of six, all successful in their very own field....And having wonderful cucu-cucu's who have grown up and some already married.
The very sight of Tok and Opah smiling really made my day today, after a stressful week...Moga Allah Merahmati Tok & Opah and moga kesihatan mereka bertambah baik....
Dari Anas ra. bahawasanya Rasulullah saw. bersabda:"Barangsiapa yang ingin untuk dilapangkan rezekinya dan dipanjangkan umurnya maka hendaklah ia suka bersilaturrahmi." (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Welcoming 2011....
Salam.......2010 has brought about many good and bad memories......it was indeed a very challenging year for me as Allah's servant, as a son and as a brother ........Alhamdulillah, Allah has permitted me to go through these challenges smoothly and they have indeed made me stronger; both mentally and physically...Enough said..
So now its 2011........what is installed for the year ahead? I pray that i'll be even closer to Allah.....Insya Allah....postgrad..hopefully i'll be able to reignite the passion to study (which ive been postponing due to personal reasons) in mid-year 2011, at the land of the dingo's & koalas...car...nope, its not in the list yet..hahaha...im in debt because of the house purchased in 2010 and expected to be ready in early-2012...so, i can continue to dream about changing my car into an alphard..hahaha.....house...save enough money to furnish and touch up the house by year-end 2011.....Being a better son...i think everyone has his/her weaknesses...but this 'rolling-target' has always been there for me, cos deep inside i really want to be a good son to my parents & improve year in and year out..Insya Allah, this year is no exception.....
Whatever targets we want to achieve, may it not lead us astray from the right path.....May Allah Bless us All.......Selamat Mengimarahkan tahun 1432H dgn perkara2 dan aktiviti yg mendekatkan kita dengan Allah & also hopefully 2011 will be a better year for us all.....
Dari Ibnu 'Abbas ra. berkata, Rasulullah saw. bersabda:"Ada dua nikmat yang kebanyakan manusia tertipu kerananya iaitu kesihatan dan kesempatan". (Riwayat Bukhari)
So now its 2011........what is installed for the year ahead? I pray that i'll be even closer to Allah.....Insya Allah....postgrad..hopefully i'll be able to reignite the passion to study (which ive been postponing due to personal reasons) in mid-year 2011, at the land of the dingo's & koalas...car...nope, its not in the list yet..hahaha...im in debt because of the house purchased in 2010 and expected to be ready in early-2012...so, i can continue to dream about changing my car into an alphard..hahaha.....house...save enough money to furnish and touch up the house by year-end 2011.....Being a better son...i think everyone has his/her weaknesses...but this 'rolling-target' has always been there for me, cos deep inside i really want to be a good son to my parents & improve year in and year out..Insya Allah, this year is no exception.....
Whatever targets we want to achieve, may it not lead us astray from the right path.....May Allah Bless us All.......Selamat Mengimarahkan tahun 1432H dgn perkara2 dan aktiviti yg mendekatkan kita dengan Allah & also hopefully 2011 will be a better year for us all.....
Dari Ibnu 'Abbas ra. berkata, Rasulullah saw. bersabda:"Ada dua nikmat yang kebanyakan manusia tertipu kerananya iaitu kesihatan dan kesempatan". (Riwayat Bukhari)
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