Been quite busy these few weeks...but i guess the federal territory holiday coupled with the chinese new year holidays permits some time to update this dusty blog.....
recently, i had an interesting discussion with a friend on marriage..the issue discussed was the disparity in knowledge in a marriage..i.e. one partner has strong knowledge on something whilst the partner has a strong knowledge on something else....this friend shared that its fine to be in that complement each other in the sense that you share and disseminate your knowledge for each other's benefit...and in the case that you think you're weak in certain aspects, then dont be shy to learn from others...well said..
if i recall correctly, one Ustaz used to advise us not to be ashamed of learning (especially when it comes to learning the teachings in Islam) as even he still learns from others...learning never ends...if you have learnt the knowledge, then "Re-learn", as you can always refreshen whatever you know on something....
Dari Abu Hurairah ra. bahawasanya Rasulullah saw. bersabda:"Barangsiapa yang menempuh jalan untuk menuntut ilmu maka Allah akan memudahkan baginya jalan ke Syurga". (Riwayat Muslim)