Assalamualaikum......been awhile since i last posted something ....when i recall my postings during the early days, it was filled with econs, politics etc......lets be clear here, ive never affiliated myself with any political party...and i hope to remain so...bukannya apa, i just think that malaysian politics just plain stinks....baik the opposition or the government...
just to divert, ever since i moved to canberra, i love to observe & compare..dont get me wrong, i still love my country...malaysia is all blessed with all the opportunities to be closer to Allah, the facilities, mosque, surau, etc but at times we take it for granted....but when its tough to find those facilities (i.e. in a foreign country), there seems to be a sense of unity among the ummah, a sense of inner strength to find a way to perform our duties to Allah..the other day, when my friends and me went to sydney to pray at York Street (behind this convenience store) i was greeted so cordially by the muslim brother who looked happy that we were performing our prayers... :-)
the other thing is halal food..there seems to be differences in how muslims eat in a foreign country where halal food is not freely available..three categories here, category: 1. some muslims here just eat anything as long as its not pork (which means ayam, itik, daging yang tidak disembelih pun dibantainya)...2. some other muslims would strictly eat only halal meat or avoid a joint which serves pork...3. some muslims pulak just dont care and belasah aje apa2, nak hidup la katakan....interesting that muslims have a different understanding walhal, i think category no.2 can still live eventhough he/she cant eat a Big Mac or a Whopper...hehe..
the worse is when i hear this statement from a muslim (who so happens to drink wine / beer) a week before ramadhan: "darn, im not suppose to drink when its close to ramadhan, Allah prohibits drinking alcohol." pening kepala mendengar statement macamni.. i did advise, tegur these people, but its up to them to decide.,,i guess the alcohol must have clogged their judgement...oh well, these are the different people we would bump into in our never perfect anyway...just hope these people would change and be a better muslim.
**this is just an observation with no specific reference to anyone...
Ibnu Abbas r.a meriwayatkan katanya: Sesungguhnya syaitan itu membisikkan kepada kawan-kawan mereka supaya membantah kamu. Sabda Nabi SAW : Mereka berkata: Binatang yang disebutkan nama Allah, janganlah kamu memakannya dan binatang yang tidak disebutkan nama Allah, maka hendaklah kamu memakannya. Maka Allah berfirman : Maka janganlah kamu makan binatang yang tidak disebutkan nama Allah. (Riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ibnu Majah dan Abu Daud)