QUestions to ask the mr. G.Bush of the United S*it of America (USA):
1) you talk about Weapons of mass destruction being the main reason to go to war with iraq...but till today, have u mr. g.bush found any?
Answer: NO
conclusion: G.Bush is a crap, talks from his back side and he is BUSH*T.
2) when a palestinian/lebanese kills an israeli, u say it is an act of terror. but when the israelis kill innocent palestinian/lebanese civilians, u say it was a mistake/ or an, are you aware of your double standards in ur
Answer: YES. But America
conclusion: G.Bush is a crap, talks from his back side and he is BUSH*T.
3) when iran is always being threatened by you of trying to obtain safe nuclear technology to generate power (not nuclear weapons), the north korea has always been given the diplomatic hand by you in handling their nuclear situation(even though there is proof that n.korea has nuclear weapons) are you treating iran
Answer: YES
conclusion: G.Bush is a crap, talks from his back side and he is BUSH*T.
so mr.bush, if your so witty and clever..plz answer the 3 questions above...everyone except your citizens know that you are a proxy to those J*ws..just admit are just a puppet being used to conduct the world according to 'their' way.
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