Saddam Hussein Abdul al-Majid
al-Tikriti dead.Yes, ive used up 2 hours of my saturday morning
switching between Al-Jazeera, CNN and BBC to watch how the
$%^&*()(*&^% american government's propoganda planned to end his life.and the timing of his death could not
have been well planned; Aidiladha...
Well, name it all you like,
but it seems that he was made a "korban" by the american government.
judging on how swift his sentence was made and his execution was
performed (mind you Saddam still has another court case pending), this
is another example of american soap drama's carefully planned to
humiliate Muslims.
Im no Saddam supporter.
Neither am i a supporter of his execution. Why? Ok, he killed hundreds
of civilians during his leadership in Iraq, but if he was sentenced to
death (by an american-backed iraqi court), then the people behind the
occupation of Iraq (
e.g, bush,rumsfield,blair,wolfswitz etc2) should also be executed for
killing thousands and I REPEAT THOUSANDS of innocent Iraqi's...
To make matters worse, most
of the killings that Saddam did during his time was orchestrated by the
the american government. who supplied to him the weapons and
artillery? who backed him during his war with iran? who arranged a
meeting with him just before his occupation on Kuwait? Im not answering
these questions cos i assume that all of you know the answers.
Just to quote
"Meanwhile I wonder
when the US will seriously interfere and send Radovan Karadzic and
Ratko Mladic (the leaders who killed innocent Muslims in an ethnic
cleansing at yugoslavia) to the gallows like Saddam, or are they given
immunity because they are non Arabs (and the kill only Muslims)? I
wonder when the Americans would invade North Korea that boast of having
nuclear weapons with long range capabilities, arrest Kim Jong Il and
possibly send him to the gallows too, but of course Kim too has no Arab
Can anyone see this bias?????
p/s: kinda disgusted with how
certain muslims are celebrating his death. Differences & revenge
apart, how could you celebrate this occasion when the puppets behind
all this are laughing at us???????