Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Hussein Abdul al-Majid al-Tikriti (1937-2006)

Saddam Hussein Abdul al-Majid
al-Tikriti dead.Yes, ive used up 2 hours of my saturday morning
switching between Al-Jazeera, CNN and BBC to watch how the
$%^&*()(*&^% american government's propoganda planned to end his life.and the timing of his death could not
have been well planned; Aidiladha...

Well, name it all you like,
but it seems that he was made a "korban" by the american government.
judging on how swift his sentence was made and his execution was
performed (mind you Saddam still has another court case pending), this
is another example of american soap drama's carefully planned to
humiliate Muslims.

Im no Saddam supporter.
Neither am i a supporter of his execution. Why? Ok, he killed hundreds
of civilians during his leadership in Iraq, but if he was sentenced to
death (by an american-backed iraqi court), then the people behind the
occupation of Iraq (
e.g, bush,rumsfield,blair,wolfswitz etc2) should also be executed for
killing thousands and I REPEAT THOUSANDS of innocent Iraqi's...

To make matters worse, most
of the killings that Saddam did during his time was orchestrated by the
the american government. who supplied to him the weapons and
artillery? who backed him during his war with iran? who arranged a
meeting with him just before his occupation on Kuwait? Im not answering
these questions cos i assume that all of you know the answers.

Just to quote

"Meanwhile I wonder
when the US will seriously interfere and send Radovan Karadzic and
Ratko Mladic (the leaders who killed innocent Muslims in an ethnic
cleansing at yugoslavia) to the gallows like Saddam, or are they given
immunity because they are non Arabs (and the kill only Muslims)? I
wonder when the Americans would invade North Korea that boast of having
nuclear weapons with long range capabilities, arrest Kim Jong Il and
possibly send him to the gallows too, but of course Kim too has no Arab

Can anyone see this bias?????

p/s: kinda disgusted with how
certain muslims are celebrating his death. Differences & revenge
apart, how could you celebrate this occasion when the puppets behind
all this are laughing at us???????


  1. i borrow this artikel aight...
    well wrote...

  2. Ppl will interprete from the what they see,hear from the media..What was believed to be the source of knowledge,information had become the weapon of mind manipulation(yeah,the media indeed).Skrg bila disebut
    pasal islam,rata2 masyrakat dunia takut,gerun atau jd pesismis.Even we as muslims will feel low,sober to see our muslim brother fighting/killing each other,the media labeling islam fighters terrorist,the muslim 'exterimist.Kisah2 yang membuahkan rasa kecewa,pesimis thadap saudara2 kita,if we believe in what they say.But we have to ask ourselves,is that the reality of the situation?Is the media upholding the truth?is what we see n hear is something that is really happening?

    i watched a programme about life in malaysia(from russia).So the reporter was asking the hawker about the food he's selling(if i'm not mistaken,maybe some chinese soup).He even complemented that guy(i guess i understand our language quit well)..But what he intepreted to the viewers was that the hawker is selling endangered animal as food,n that illegal business was wide spread in those area..bleh tahan gak kejam org2 malysian kan,haha,pelik2..

    once,a palestinian brother(studying in same uni) told me about their situation in isreal(argh,how did i even accept that name,it should be named palestin,i guess the repetitive recogition by the media truly effect my mind..well 'thank you' media,for helping me to accept your 'truth').
    So he told me how they hv been opressed economically,socially(tecnically their region,social connection
    to school,hospital are blocked)it may take them hours/days to get to the hospital..well it completely differs from what i've seen in CNN.He was then offered money,stable job in a country but in exchange he cannot to get back to his homeland..but he have strong spirit,and he told me that their people are still holding strong.Semoga Allah mengurniakan kekuatan kepada hati2 umat islam yang teraniaya,dan menyedarkan hati2 golongan yang lalai supaya bersatu, dan berpegang teguh kepada kebenaran..

    Sesungguhnya orang yang buta hatinya takkan dapat melihat kebenaran,jadi mengapa kita perlu percaya pada orang2 yang tidak berpegang pada jalan yang benar,jgn biarkan dakwaan2 mereke membelenggu jiwa kita..waallahualam..(like my fren used to say:nak dengaq bley,percaya jgn)

    Islam is spread by peace,by truth,and through the people that upheld the truth..So before we interprete any info,it's our obligation to seek the sources of that info,and to see the ones that give that info..
    The fact is:the truth is not out there,it's in al-Quran and Hadith..we should discover islam from the
    source.the era of true enlightment..(an interesting fact:Quran is the most read book in the world,but
    least understood by their readers.Honestly,even i don't understand Arabic..but i think the least we should do
    is try to understand the message/context of the ayats through translations).The better way is to start
    learing Arabic language,cause the translations couldnt compensate the richness of of Arabic language.
    The purpose of Quran is to give message/reminder to humankind..and how could we follow the message if we
    dont understand the messages?

    (Al-Quran ini) sebuah Kitab yang Kami turunkan kepadamu (dan umatmu wahai Muhammad), Kitab yang banyak faedah-faedah dan manfaatnya, untuk mereka memahami dengan teliti kandungan ayat-ayatnya dan untuk orang-orang yang berakal sempurna beringat mengambil iktibar.(Surah as-shad,ayat 29)

    Thats an opinion only,that i wanted to share with my fellow brothers and sorry for any incorrectness(i guess that word is even wrong;),or disagreement that ive cause..wallahualam.And thank
    zhaf..for giving me space to write,and may Allah bless u always bro:) salam eid mubarak!


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