Assalamualaikum wbt.
What a day to reblog after a long hiatus (> 2 1/2 years)...on the first day of the calendar..
Ive long thought about it...i need to resharpen the writing skills again....and to think of it, the "good" years were coincidentally during the time i lashed out whatever i feel like in the blog...hahaha...
In my following post, i'll be writing a bit about my experience in Aonang recently when i was trying to have a sort of a solo trip to a foreign land in search of new friends and viewing Allah's wonderful creation in another land...
p/s: My new blog resolution is to write politely and not be too vocal / aggressive like prior years...i've definitely toned down...:-)

Dari Aisyah ra berkata, Nabi saw. bersabda:"Tidak ada hijrah lagi setelah ditaklukannya kota Mekah tetapi yang tetap ada iaitu jihad (berjuang pada jalan Allah) dan niat untuk selalu berbuat baik. Oleh kerananya jika kamu sekalian dipanggil untuk berjuang maka berangkatlah." (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
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