Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Hussein Abdul al-Majid al-Tikriti (1937-2006)

Saddam Hussein Abdul al-Majid
al-Tikriti dead.Yes, ive used up 2 hours of my saturday morning
switching between Al-Jazeera, CNN and BBC to watch how the
$%^&*()(*&^% american government's propoganda planned to end his life.and the timing of his death could not
have been well planned; Aidiladha...

Well, name it all you like,
but it seems that he was made a "korban" by the american government.
judging on how swift his sentence was made and his execution was
performed (mind you Saddam still has another court case pending), this
is another example of american soap drama's carefully planned to
humiliate Muslims.

Im no Saddam supporter.
Neither am i a supporter of his execution. Why? Ok, he killed hundreds
of civilians during his leadership in Iraq, but if he was sentenced to
death (by an american-backed iraqi court), then the people behind the
occupation of Iraq (
e.g, bush,rumsfield,blair,wolfswitz etc2) should also be executed for
killing thousands and I REPEAT THOUSANDS of innocent Iraqi's...

To make matters worse, most
of the killings that Saddam did during his time was orchestrated by the
the american government. who supplied to him the weapons and
artillery? who backed him during his war with iran? who arranged a
meeting with him just before his occupation on Kuwait? Im not answering
these questions cos i assume that all of you know the answers.

Just to quote

"Meanwhile I wonder
when the US will seriously interfere and send Radovan Karadzic and
Ratko Mladic (the leaders who killed innocent Muslims in an ethnic
cleansing at yugoslavia) to the gallows like Saddam, or are they given
immunity because they are non Arabs (and the kill only Muslims)? I
wonder when the Americans would invade North Korea that boast of having
nuclear weapons with long range capabilities, arrest Kim Jong Il and
possibly send him to the gallows too, but of course Kim too has no Arab

Can anyone see this bias?????

p/s: kinda disgusted with how
certain muslims are celebrating his death. Differences & revenge
apart, how could you celebrate this occasion when the puppets behind
all this are laughing at us???????

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Just thinking

A few days ago, the UN resolution on sanctions towards Iran was passed by the UN security council. That being the UN has no concrete proof of Iran possessing any nuclear weapons. israel on the other hand "admits" to have these weapons, but having "qualified" for no sanctions due to its relationship with usa, israel is free to do anything.ANother sign of double standards by the UN aka puppet of usa.they kill innocent Palestine children, and now they are trying to foster a friction between Fatah and Hamas which means that Palestine is on brink of a civil war.

all i just wonder is how are we going to thrash these hypocrits out. by this i mean not by killing them but by other means. for some, i guess uv heard of their strategy the "S" strategy------> Sports,songs....etc2...maybe we can counter that strategy..

just thinking.........

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Its a pity to hear that some of our brothers n sisters (in Johor, N.sembilan & Melaka) are going through a lot lately, especially after the banjir a.k.a flood. Hopefully they would continue to be strong and continue praying to Allah.Senai20060418

Banjir translates into disasters (human loss+ spread of diseases + property damage etc2). It can also translate into "economic benefits" to some people who take advantage (which i hope wont happen)  who steal the property left behind by flood victims. Shame on them!

& Banjir can also translate into a reminder to all of us that we arent perfect. we're just normal human beings.let it be if ur precision to engineer a flood/irregation plan is precise, if the banjir is fated by Allah to happen, than it will questions asked.

:|   Praying that everyone would be protected from disasters.

p/s:..................Mamak, roti canai kuah kari kasi 'banjir', SATU!!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A post a day keeps my boredom away..

Been blogging nearly everyday...kinda bored doing work on the comp. nearly whilst i have some spare time, i use these fingers to type something merapu..haha....em..let me see..the Thai issue...cant blame the Thai's for implementing an ad hoc capital control on their currency..why? lets try to explain it in simple terms. E.g: When someone from the UK wants to import nasi kandar from Malaysia (at an exchange rate of lets say 1 UK pound = RM7.00, which implies that Malaysia's money is kinda cheap) and then suddenly the Malaysian ringgit's value has appreciated (u get less RM with 1 UK pound) against the pound (say 1 UK pound = RM 5.80), it would make that nasi kandar maniac to think twice whether or not to import from Malaysia; which in turn would hurt Malaysian exports. Well, this was the case with Thailand. Their Baht appreciated, n they were worried whether it would hurt their exports. So they came up with this policy which actually kinda backfired and hurt their stock exchange (it wiped off millions of dolars out of Thai's stock market) ...

ok enuff enuff, im memang merapuing!........

back to work.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Syukur atas rezeki.........

19th Dec..............the day that most staff's pocket are filled with "goodies"..some1-2 months, some 3months, some 4 months and some >4 months....Thank God, at least all your burdens will slightly ease with the school session just around the corner..

p/s: still wondering how some ppl can survive in KL with <RM500/month( and some are even bringing up a family of 5 with that sort of income). Definitely tough. Whilst others are spending their income excessively.Damn them.The poor get poorer & the rich get richer.

*even 1xTeh O" ais limau in KL = 1x"The Star" newspaper.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Long holidays............Penang here i come

I cant wait till next desperately in need for a long break n run away from KL....kinda bored to bits once uve stayed here (sorry KL'ites)...missed me hometown the most..yes, dull and small Penang...some of my frens say that i "lupa daratan" cos i rarely go back these days..but Penang is still Penang, n ive not forgotten where my roots are eventhough im currently surrounded with the LDP's, SILK's, NKVE's, BESRAYA's, GRANDSAGA's, LRT's, monorail's, KTM Komuter, Rapid KL......What does Penang have? Milan (no relation with A.C or Inter) a.k.a Yellow Buses, barely functional Transit Link's,Mini buses and the Penang Bridge...well, at least Penang has some sea fronts/beaches which are flavoured with tantilizing sewage waste which happens to be a major tourist attraction for non-Penangites to saviour..haha....;p

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Toll Hike.........hike..hike

For those living in the Klang Valley, tolls are like charity to the nation....N for those who use 5 highways in the Klang valley, welcome to reality: up to 60% hike in toll prices..

u aint hearing this in the mainstream media..............why? cos apparently, there's a hush-hush on this let's summarize some of the goodies that most Malaysians received for the year 2006:

1. oil price hike of 0.30sen

2. hike in toll prices

3.water tariff hike

4. electricity tariff revised.


Malaysians are a kind lot...we are a caring society & we dont mind sacrificing our "ciput" income just for our beloved nation.

p/s:inflation aint that bad after all , ay? ;p

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Nuclear, israel, war

Just received an SMS bout the so-called tongue slip by the *&^%$#$%^& ohlmart aka PM of israel....he said sumthin bout israel being one of the nations with nuclear capabilities and r placed among the superpowers...well, i can conclude that this is just another proof that the west is bias on Muslim nations.. the very moment that a muslim nation wants to acquire nuclear technology (let it be for generating power or for developing weapons for self-protection), then some american cowboy would want to engage war with them.american bout the holocaust conference they had in Iran..honestly, i doubt it ever existed..dont u think its weird that there are laws throughout  the world that forbid any denial of the not anti-jew but truly i think most of them are here for one reason, to make hell out of our lives.

World War on.

Monday, December 11, 2006

This Weekend will be Damn Tiring**updates**

Saturday: Started from the bank at 7:30am to seremban. From seremban to Melaka. From Melaka to Yong Peng, Johor..From Yong Peng to Kulai. From Kulai to JB.

Arrived at JB at: 4:27pm......Dinner at persada johor (8pm-12am)

Sunday: After a quick breakfast, left JB for home at 8:00am. Arrived at home around 12:00pm. At approx. 1pm went off to Banting for my frens wedding. After exploring banting, left for home around 6pm...

Arrived home around 8pm..and the part about KLIA im too tired to type...haha....anyways, what a tiring <24 hours(kinda) for me..haha..

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

This weekend will be damn tiring...

I think this comin' weekend is going to be one of the most exhausting weekends ive had in months!!!

picture this:


total journey estimated time: 8 1/2 hours                                  (which should   actually be only 4 hrs)

JB--->KL: 4 hours

KL--->Banting: 1 - 1 1/2hours

Banting----> KL:Another freakin' 1 - 1 1/2hours!

KL--->LCCT(KLIA): 45 minutes

LCCT(KLIA)--->KL: another 45 minutes

That is how my weekend is gonna look...

****more Updates n details on my "excursion" when i come back*****