Sunday, December 18, 2016

Revisiting the past and future

Assalamualaikum. Had an eventful week. Now enjoying a very long break.
This morning accompanied me dad to a class at the mosque. Alhamdulillah it was sort of refreshing.
I think at times we tend to want everything on this it wealth, flashy cars, smartphones that can do everything and big titles etc. But we tend to forget that these are just worldly things which will bring us nothing much in the Hereafter. Its how we optimise these worldly things to gain Allah's blessing on earth and the Hereafter which is more important.
I was going through some old albums and stumbled on photos taken way back in the 90s. Smiles everywhere rekindling how fast time just passed. Didn't realise tears rolling down when i recall how much my parents sacrificed for the family. We stayed with each other through thick and thin. Only Allah knows the hardship we all went through. Alhamdulillah for all the love and rezeki that Allah has granted us. Love everyone to bits.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Assalamualaikum. Recently, a colleague was hospitalised due to some health complications. I've not really been to the hospital for a while, but the number of babies and elderly patients at the emergency department was rather disturbing. And on top of that, the hospitalisation costs remain elevated.
But Importantly, it made me ponder how critical it is to maintain good health.
May Allah maintain our good health and prevent us from getting major or minor diseases.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Goosebumps: Happy 200th Anniversary PFS

Brings back so much happy memories. Happy 200th Penang Free School!

P.S: wish list: i so want a drone with a cam :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016



Two things today:

  1. Opened the Quran on the tablet, and the verse of the day suggested Surah Al-A’raaf Ayat 200: “And if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is Hearing and Knowing.”

  • We are all normal human beings who cannot run away from making mistakes or say things which may hurt others. But more importantly, if we realise it or not, Allah will always be there for us to seek refuge and His forgiveness. Unfortunately, when everything is going well, some tend to forget Allah and neglect their duties towards Him. May Allah make our hearts remain steadfast in His path and May Allah forgive us for our wrongdoings.

       2. And surfed JAKIM’s e-hadith:
           Daripada Aishah RA katanya, “Rasulullah SAW wafat dan meninggalkan baju besinya yang digadaikan kepada seorang yahudi dengan tiga puluh gantang           gandum.” (Hadith Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

  • Selawat dan salam ke atas Rasulullah SAW.  I asked myself this time and time again. Will there ever be anyone currently living on this earth who is willing to live modestly and/or willing to commit and live with the other half if he/she was facing difficulties in life? Till today, I don’t have enough samples to answer this. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Restart. Reboot

Assalamualaikum. Just realised its a good 3 years since i last updated this blog.

Maybe it is time to restart. Start afresh and open a new chapter.

Semoga dipermudahkan Allah.