Monday, October 15, 2007


Salam Syawal...

Must say that Raya this year kinda brings back memories of arwah Tok Wan & arwah Tok Putih....gah, i shouldn't be all emo but im really feeling a sense of de ja vu about something this time around (i hope im wrong)..

Nice to see everyone back at Tok & Opah's palace in Perak....Must say that im already feeling old..whilst my cousins are all growing up fast and all handsome & beautiful,im ageing big time sum up the raya@perak, we had a family photo (which incidentally was last done 2 years ago) in front of the palace....

n it was also nice to see my uncle & aunts, cousins in Tasek Gelugor, kepala batas...some people just age gracefully.. :)

Selamat hari raya aidilfitri

maaf zahir n batin


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya

Thanks for all the raya wishes..I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf zahir batin...

all i can say is: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$RMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRMRM

p/s: apologies for being quiet n not contacting anyone. ive lost >90% of my contact numbers due to the "washing machine treatment" that has caused my handphone to be totally dysfunctional.....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Islamic Finance

Just attended the recent Malaysian Islamic Finance 2-day forum...must say it gave me numerous insights into the world of Islamic financial industry..just name it sukuk, mudharabah, musyakarah, ijarah, commodity-based mudharabah, Islamic derivatives, Islamic REITs; talk about product impressed..the Islamic finance industy is already said to be worth trillions of US to think that the majority of investors in Islamic financial instruments are non-muslims, what a remarkable revelation!

with petro-dollars swelling from the Gulf nations, the industry is reputed to grow even everyone is into Islamic finance..just name it, Bahrain, Dubai, Singapore, Qatar....n Malaysia....Malaysia has already an Islamic finance initiative by the name of the Malaysian Islamic Financial Centre (or MIFC) in place...the next big question is, are we ready to be a major player??

p/s: must say that the moderator by the name of AbdelKader Thomas (Shape) was cool n knowledgable.......

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Em..i guess by now most of us have either heard, read or watched the negaraku rap version orchastrated by a Malaysian who is said to be patriotic....

well,what is happening to our nation..even our own national anthem is made a mockery by our own wonders 50 years ago, what our forefathers would have felt if they were to witness this silly act.

But what makes things worse is the fact that this dude inserted the following lyrics in the song (translated):

5 in the morning
Theres even a morning call to wake me up
Sometimes a few of them will sing together
When you listen to it, its like a love duet
The voice ululates like an R&B song
Even though sometimes they sing until its out of tune
Even though sometimes they even sing until their voices break
Some sound like cockerels, but they wake up earlier than them
This way we can know the time to get ready for class and for work

Pukul 5 pagi
Malah ada yang memanggil untuk gerakkan aku diwaktu pagi
Kadangkala mereka menyanyi beramai-ramai
Bila didengar, macam duet lagu cinta
Suaranya bagaikan lagu R&B
Walaupun kadangkala nyanyiannya sumbang
Walaupun kadangkala mereka menyanyi sehingga pecah-pecah suara
Ada yang macam bunyi kokok ayam jantan, tetapi mereka bangun lebih awal (dari ayam jantan)
Lalu kita boleh tahu bila untuk bersiap sedia untuk ke kerja

Now what do u make of the above? For the benefit of those who have not watched the video, the above lyrics were sang with a mosque in the what do you make of that? figure it out.. im not trying to be malicous or anything in that direction, its just that i was pondering on the fact that Malaysia is not what it used to be and the fact that Malaysians are becoming brave enough to vent their 'patriotism' in that manner makes me sick..


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hand of love...


Wah, g.bush and prince abd.aziz (king of saudi arabia) walking hand-in-hand showering each other with be something good to warrant that kind of VIP treatment..oops forgot, US is planning to provide "military aid" via a weapons deal to selected arab nations and also to Israe-eel (eel?) which will be in the billions of US$....

are we suppose to close one eye on this? is this really true affection between a texan-cowboy and a leader who.....em lets not get personal..

Was my pre-adulthood theory that there truly exists a bloddy conspiracy between the US and the rulers of some arab nations are already starting to reveal itself??

On another note, its interesting to read bout a country which its y-o-y (year on year) inflation rate will hit 100,000% by the year end and with prices of goods and services already rising by 300% (btw the country is Zimbabwe).Wow! its like saying with a RM10 note alone cant buy u a decent plate of nasi lemak..Sheesh! Cant imagine that happening in Malaysia.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Gosh..just realised its nearly been a year since i first stepped into JEK. Felt as if i just entered...Must say working has really knocked the socks off my brain this do that..crank brains at this and that..go here and there..discuss with people about this and that...multi-tasking, i guess..

i think for the past year,one of the thing's ive missed most is having quality time at night at home during weekdays which i now cherish..could hardly be at home before 8pm, always strapped either in the office or in the car (or in the inefficient Commuter train) contemplating about:

1. why the SMART tunnel is actually SEMAK cos the traffic jam has not improved but has actually worsened.

2. why the traffic jam in KL is soooooooooo congested...from A to B (which normally takes 5-10 minutes) can take an hour.

3. why the Commuter is like a coffin on wheels waiting for the right moment to disintegrate

4. why some people in KL add sambal (what the?) to their curry/dalca when eating roti canai

5. when i will get a pay rise (haha)

BUT most importantly

6. my future n my next move...emm....

In the end, i guess we just have to be grateful with what we have and dont depend & dont harbour high hopes...everyday is a challenge..

p/s: Crappy ranting's again

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Malaysia ku..

The news on the death of the 6 army personals involved in the Nuri heli crash was---fated. Even though I don’t know any of them personally, I must say that being a normal citizen, I feel for the family members. Al-Fatihah.

Anyways, I guess someone is enjoying a great time in


according to RPK whilst the whole nation is going through a difficult patch. The self-destruction of the football squad, and the nuri (which will eventually be phased out) heli crash. The latest being the on-going debate about whether


is an Islamic state or a secular one. Honestly speaking, im for the former and im not being biased just because im a Muslim. Its just that the perception that if a country is an Islamic state, that country will be restrictive, non-Muslims would feel insecure, and the country would be regressing. Utter bull. To hell with the Reid commission recommendation thingy, its just crap. If only we could really prove what is an Islamic state and how everyone including non-muslims would actually feel at ease with the whole way of life. Lets put it this way, if we were able to prove the doubters wrong about this negative connotation on this Islamic state idea only then everyone would be happy.

AND Oh yeah, by the way just to tickle your minds a little, who are the largest consumers of Islamic Banking Products in


? Answer: non-muslims. Why? Go figure out why.

p/s: Islamic state, anyone? Just ignore my rantings.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The month that has passed....

Its been more than a month ive not been posting in this blog…Pretty much have more important things to do rather than blog…emm…lets see what has occurred throughout this period…

1. The Malaysian footie team got whipped real bad in the Asian Cup…Pathetic!...Hidup Mauritius!!(view the pics)



2.    Hamas n Fatah have practically split


into two…….with


supporting Fatah ( come im not shocked at all)

3.  Mufti’s have been publicly criticized for telling the truth….I must say that people who criticize Mufti’s are in fact stupid..Yes, stupid…(no apologies for the harsh words)…Let’s be frank, Mufti’s are human beings like us, but in terms of interpreting Islam, not any tom-dick and harry can do it....that is One of the roles of Mufti’s, they have the know-how about our religion.…So why are some groups openly slamming Mufti’s as if they know more than Mufti’s? Quoting Ustaz Muhammad Uthman Al-Muhammadi, “..only surgeons have the know-how to perform certain medical surgeries and not any normal person perform those procedures…same goes with religion, only those with the knowledge and know-how can define and interpret the religion..”

4. Atlantunya’s court case (lets not get into that story).

5. My brain cells have been in over-drive mode…I need a break.

That’s bout it….My only apologies goes to all my friends if ive not kept in touch.......I’l try my best….

Friday, June 1, 2007


As my eyelids can barely open, I opted to blog in this limited time before I head for the comfort of a bed.  As usual, it has been approximately >3 weeks since I last grace this blogosphere (not really a new issue).

Many things have happened both domestically and internationally. From the hike in civil servant salaries, to the former Malaysian PM having a second heart attack, to Blair stepping aside in June, to Wolfowitz submitting his resignation from the World Bank, Proton posting losses and to to to………….never ending story.

But what captured my utmost attention was the scenario on the maintenance of Government buildings. It must be shocking to witness in a short span of months, buildings in Putrajaya, the Parliament and the newly built Federal Court Complex at Jalan Duta having to experience “floods” and “Ceilingslides” (land+slides=landslides, Ceiling+slides=Ceilingslides).

Guess someone most of made a blunder during the construction of these buildings. Or probably someone used shoddy construction materials to cut on costs. Who cares anyway, right? So, whenever you visit the nearest government building, maybe you should look up to the ceiling, just to ensure your head is still intact.

Another issue that has caught my attention was the accident at the toll plaza between a lorry, an Iswara, a (???) and a 4WD…Em…its relatively nothing new, these tragedies have been occurring for years (Remember the Jelapang-Ipoh toll plaza???). I think its high time that small bumpers at toll plaza or lorries/buses toll lanes be separated from other types of vehicles be implemented. Better still; why not bring to court the lorry owners. Why? The argument is that these lorries who end up bashing other people would be due to 2 factors: (1) Driver (2) The condition/maintenance of lorries/busses. Since no.2 is under the purview of the lorry owners, faulty brakes etc2. due to the poor conditions of lorries should be blamed on lorry owners..

p/s: Now everyone’s having a slight phobia with lorries & busses.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

22 men and a football......

What a crazy day it has been...while i hate to grumble about my work, sometimes it just gets to me...well, today is no different. Just that i was silly enough to watch the 2:45 am game and i barely slept for 2 hours before heading to work...sometimes i just think its not worth the energy and time to watch 22 silly men running around for a football (like my late Grandpa once argued)...was practically drowsy at work, lethargic, lack of concentration, headaches etc2...i need a doctor..

In the end, the best medicine was a 30 minute sleeping therapy at the office (right after work) before speeding back home safely in one piece.the end.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


emm...ever since i was in secondary school, ive always believed that there exist a "conspiracy" against the Muslim world, and im confident many feel the same....over the years, this pre-teen theory has developed into one with basis and facts...recently a friend showed me a flashback on what has been happening to the Muslim world...from the collapse of the Ottoman empire in Turkey (which was turned into a secular state by mustafa kamal al-attartuk), to the deployment of agents by the british government in Saudi Arabia and most of the Muslim nations...

interesting enough, the questions playing in my head all the while was also highlighted in this documentary..Why didnt the Pakistani government (which has nuclear warheads) aid the Muslim nations when attacked by the West? For whom are these warheads for? and many2 more......

Some excerpts from this documentary which is still ringing through my mind:

  "Saya bertanya kepada kalian..bagaimanakah kelak kalian akan berhadapan dengan Allah SWT di hari Kiamat , ketikamana yang bersama kalian adalah seorang anak muslimin dari Palestin. Ia berkata, "Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan, Aku telah meminta pertolongan dari umat Islam.Namun umat Islam tidak menjawab panggilanku...Umat Islam telah mengecewakanku..Bilakah umat Islam akan bangun?Bilakah ia akan sedar akan permasalahan utamanya? "

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

full time job vs part time job..

man, i must really try to manage my time well..thats why ive  rarely been blogging these few weeks (guess blogging aint a full time job for me) what has happen these few weeks..

emm...the ijok by-election..same old crap...same old story...both sides wanting a piece of each other...same old stupidity.....ive never believed in the democracy voiced out by the west and followed in this part of the world (sorry to say)..yeap,thats my view..

enough of elections...em...some rumours spreading that CUEPACS is disagreeing with the government's salary adjustment/revisions. some even claim that majority of the civil servants are living below the "actual poverty line" and have resorted to performing part-time jobs such as being taxi drivers..well, i must say there might be truth in it..

lets see..say an average joe (with a wife and 2 kids), who's pay is roughly RM1,500..So where and what will the person spend it on, say in KL.


= RM25/day = RM750/month

Transport (assuming only public transport)

= RM5/day = RM150/month


= RM400/month


= 2 kids x RM5 x 20 days= RM200/month


= RM100/month

TOTAL = RM(750+150+400+200+100) = RM1,600.00

So basically, that person is not earning enough to cover the family's expenses (short by RM100)..i might be right or wrong here but heck this is just a rough estimate...but, Maybe these guys who decline to accept the government's planned revision may have something on here...

Monday, April 16, 2007

baby boomer vs baby beggar

Well, it must be said that it has been a while since i last flexed these fingers.

Em..what has happenned..the sogo kid was found...his so called "guardian" was captured for trying to add to the kid's CV; Occupation: beggar...what is wrong with people nowadays...but using kids to beg is not a new issue...just go to the PLUS highways, sometimes if ur "lucky", you might bump into some kids selling things for "charity"...closer to KL, try visiting the Jamek Mosque after friday prayers, suddenly there is an influx of beggars..Im not trying to downgrade anyone, far from it actually. Its just that i dont agree to kids begging for money when they should be provided with a proper education. Lets not even take into account that certain people are actually "using" them to reap economic gains; its just that as we progress towards 2020 (or is it 2057?), i think there should be a concrete coordination to eradicate poverty.

p/s: it used to be the baby boomer generation, now its the baby beggar generation..

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Just a thought.......

Em...this is just a thought that has been bugging me for weeks..Why can't Muslims in Malaysia unite?

I think everyone realises the fact that we have  many political factions, organisations, etc2 but why is it that we are still "fighting" with each other..

take for instance the case of the "Lojing" deforestation issue (

Party U vs Party P......PArty U highlights the issue in a manner of trying to gain political mileage...Party P tries to defend itself whilst at the same time blaming party U for its past actions..Ok, both are at fault here.FULL STOP..Rather than indulging in a political warfare against each other, why cant they just tackle the issue in a more humane manner and accept that everyone is responsible...I know some might say, " Alaaaa, thats politics."...yeah but still cant they act in a better manner....i dont care if people say im naive in politics (and i"ll try my best to avoid politics)....the fact is that we can build a better nation if we unite..let it be if your affiliated with different political backgrounds, whats wrong in uniting among each other and quitting the verbal crap?....Not only would it benefit Muslims, but it would also benefit our brothers and sisters from other religions..

p/s: Salam Maulidur Rasul..

Sunday, March 25, 2007

15 stoogers

Ah, yes.....It takes 15 votes from the UN security council to unanimously approve UN sanctions on Iran....

Ive always wondered why the other organisation (oooooh i seeee), with 57 nations under its belt, and with only 1 country (Pakistan..and im not going to explain why they can) allowed to acquire nuclear weapons isn't saying a word to help another muslim nation..the least they could do is economically help each other..who cares what the UN is doing....they are just bull.....Anyone who remembers this:


would know that the UN has always closed one eye when it comes to some countries....

Its all because they Kow-tow to the following:

מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל

p/s: No, it doesnt stand for cow dung...It stands for ******

Saturday, March 24, 2007

IDR here we GO..............$$$$$$$$

Wah..........the Government is really serious about the IDR in Johor....corp. tax relief for 10 years, unlimited import of foreign workers etc..AND with the proposal of a bullet train from KL-Lion CIty (wonder what will happen to KTM's operation), developing Johor is damn big...

While i applaud the gov for coming up with these incentives to develop IDR, one thing that has always bugged me is what will happen next. I mean, okay, we are now trying to be on par with Lion city (no doubt) but sometimes i wonder if IDR will actually benefit our fellow "friends" across the Tambak Johor rather than our own citizens..Oops!Hold on, it will benefit Malaysians actually - employment opportunities, increase in FDI, and "Disneyland"..Oh, but i wonder who would be the major investors in IDR..Can't wait...

p/s: Em, Lions, maybe??.......I'm Crapping again....

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

21st March 2007, 4:00pm-5:30pm

A big day for the organisation ,eh.....What a year 2006 has been......

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Will Iran be next?

I was contemplating whether or not I should be writing about the developments pertaining to the “threat” by bush to attack Iran. First, I’m sick of listening to all the “bull” by bush who thinks that the world is his. Secondly, all everyone could do is sit down and do nothing (which includes me). Thirdly, what are the OIC doing? Rather than just voicing out rhetorically, can’t they do something for once? Minus the difference (Shi’ites and Sunni’s), OIC countries can do more to help. I’m sorry to say this, but what can you expect from the Arabs? They allow US to set up military bases all over the Gulf region, all equipped and on standby. Air-Sea-Land, just name it, the american’s are ready to attack anytime. How stupid can they be? On one hand you’re “supporting” your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters, and on the other you’re allowing them to use your country as for their military base, ready to attack the Muslim community.

This brings us back to the main topic. Being an Islamic nation, Iran will be attacked. Yes, I believe Iran will be attacked. No, better still, I think they have already been attacked for quite some time. Sanctions by UN, labeled as one of the axis of evil by bush, Iran has actually been consistently attacked whether we realise it or not. So, Will Iran be next? Will it?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Part 3: Figures..Numbers...Figures

Ah, yes...the figures are out..OFFICIAL GDP: 5.9% for 06'.....Thank you, Malaysia for the economic "success".....

Some excerpts:

Year GDP: 5.9%

4th Quarter 06': 5.7%

For more intake on the report go to BNM's webbie.

Monday, February 19, 2007

PART2: Figures..numbers..

Guess the Figures and numbers issue did make the gov. realize (in a way) about other things....Banjirians in Johor would be receiving increased aid ($$$) by the gov. (so say the DPM)..but at least its something..

SOmeone in the gov. is trying to declassify the toll concs. documents for public consumption....hehe..transparency at its now those affected by the toll hike would be able to know the details (and in a way try to divert the blame to the previous administration) of the toll you can know why they "punished" you guys with the toll hike.

Someone in the gov. also echoed bout working for the rakyat consistently and not only during elections only..good move..but dont be like NATO...No Action Talk Only..

Chinese New year celebrations..Happy CNY to all my Chinese friends...must say the North-South Highway looks in great shape with it now "expanded" into 3-4 lanes (some are using the emergency lanes due to the influx of cars) due to >100,000 vehicles jamming the roads..and dont even mention the number of deaths due to accidents...ive lost count.

if by chance any of you happen to be around KL during CNY, try catching a glimpse of KLCC..For one, the shops were mostly closed, and the place was swarmed with foreign workers(im figuring 50,000-100,000)..felt like i was in a different land for a moment...let me stress that it aint wrong for them to swarm KLCC, but it just popped out of my head how much we are dependant on foreign about diversity in nationality..

p/s: wondering what the real figures for foreign workers in m'sia (legal+illegal).............

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Well much has been laid out in the papers these two weeks..Figures..numbers..figures....from the road fatalities figures (for OPS SIKAP) right up to figures for the Malaysian trade last year (mind you RM1 trillion!) and the FDI figures for 2006.

Well im not going to comment much bout the death figures cos its a Malaysian tradition (to some) to drive to die. I just dont get whats wrong with them driving at speeds >150 km/h just to arrive from A to B.Well its up to them on how they want to tackle the roads.

Ah, yes. the other figures excites me even more. well congrats to the gov. for achieving the RM1 trillion for 2006 but to a layman it might not be that significant. heck if you convert it in US$ its only around US$290 billion and try comparing that with other nations. well try dissecting (imports + exports) those figures even further and there's nothin to be proud of that much.

About the FDI figures, well try dissecting and summarizing what those figures consists of. you cant just digest those figures and assume everything is ok.

Dont get me wrong, im not anti-government or anything. Its just that i think there are many other figures that the government needs to reveal.....poverty for instance..yes i agree it aint easy to eradicate but why are we still witnessing those who lack the basic needs (water, place to live,etc. @ even a basic primary education) on TV??? I burst into laughter upon reading an article by this Malaysian who claims to be an Oxford grad writing about Malaysia is still cheap to live in as compared to other international nations.

Quoting him:

And although we are all bitching about rising prices, we should take note that on a global basis, we are still cheap. UBS issued a report recently ranking Kuala Lumpur as the cheapest city to live in out of 71 major international cities, based on the cost of 122 goods and services.

Yes, fuel prices have gone up (or the subsidy has gone down, whichever), toll rates are also up (blame the civil servants who negotiated badly, remember?), utility charges are up, airfares have gone north, but we are still a cheap country to live in. That tells you one thing: that we have been subsidised from cradle to grave and we don’t even think about it.

We have taken it for granted and the moment a government comes along to correct some of these distortions, which cannot possibly last forever, we complain.

Ha? your comparing Malaysia with other nations who have a higher standard of living. obviously its cheaper in Malaysia..Why dont you try comparing & solving the hardship of life that many face in Malaysia rather than blabberring on comparing Malaysia with other nations....Just look at the makciks and pakciks in Johor (from the recent floods), do you reckon they would agree with this statement?how bout the after effects of the el nino to the agri sector which would affect the farmers who are already living on a thin line.. im not undermining this person but you should go to the Kampung's, the fishing villages and assist them rather than helping them when its about time for these villager's to exercise their democaratic rights (a.k.a election)..

better still, why dont u you go and do a survey in KL. you reckon they are living cheaply?? its ok if you're some hot shot with telephone "cables" and have greener pastures than others but please dont neglect those categorised as below the poverty line.

p/s: the theory that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer may apply to a certain degree..figures will remain figures.

Again, im merapuing.FULL STOP.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

As-Syahid Syed Qutb

Currently reading one of his books..Must say his writings are superb..

Oh yeah, for anyone who doesnt know who this intelligent person is, well he's an Egyptian who was executed in the 60's because of his views. He was the member of the in-famous Ikhwanul Muslimin (IM)(who's leader As-Syahid Hassan Al-Banna was inspirational towards Syed Qutb's involvement in IM.

I'l do a short write-up once ive finished reading the book.

p/s: someone made me ponder over the issue that most people only associate the "Kalimah Syahadah" with the azan, death and when one converts to Islam. But in truth there is more to the Kalimah Syahadah...

Monday, February 5, 2007


Salam.........been kinda busy at late......well whats happened to this beloved world.....em...Jakarta's going through another flood disaster (or better still a sign from Allah)....Bush is still 'purging' his way to send more american troops into Iraq....Palestine people are on the brink of civil war..and...Malaysia is splashing another US$50 mil on a "corporate bird"....

Indonesia seems to be the centre of all disasters...tsunami, floods, earthquake, volcanic eruptions etc2...they must've done something wrong to go through all these disasters...yeah, its definitely a sign from Allah  and proof that we are just normal human beings.

Bush is once again trying to push the congress to have it his way in sending more troops to Iraq..i dunno the latest updates but i guess he's trying to stage this final strategy before he exits from white house.

Palestinians are on brink of civil war...i seriously believe this is  another propaganda initiated to cause unrest among both Hamas and Fatah.. and i believe the *ew are behind all this...if not then why suddenly the US and israel are pledging donations and military equipment to one faction in Palestine to overthrow the other faction..its plain logic.

someone in Malaysia is doing Airbus proud by splashing US$50 million on a corporate bird....details???????? lets not get into that...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


When people say how small the world is today, it maybe
true. You’re just seconds away from seeing your friends and families via the
internet, teleconferencing etc2 eventhough you are geographically far apart. With
all the technological advancement, you could even run a nasi lemak & teh tarik business in Malaysia whilst the nasi lemak & teh tarik customer service centres are operating in
Austria. This process is called outsourcing.( Alexander Graham Bell would’nt have believed it if we say you
could view your mum’s face in Senegal,
whilst you're in Togo
live via videoconferencing.)

Well, im just merapuing again. But im merapuing with many
unanswered questions running through my mind. Does this outsourcing trend actually
mean that we are being economically conquered by other nations? Without
doubt, the benefits are there, but it seems all too easy to just “run with the
flow”. Yeah, people say that outsourcing creates comparative advantages etc2
but to what extent should we “sacrifice” certain aspects of our daily activities via

Business processing outsourcing, engineering outsourcing and
all sorts of other outsourcing. You could outsource nearly everything these days.


p/s: simple example of outsourcing-> asking your friend to
complete your assignment.hehe.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Well, i wouldnt want to open a debate on this matter. Correct me if im wrong,But it seems rather strange that none of the mainstream media had reported that Singapore had a slight flood problem (not that i care). Compare this with the amount of coverage Malaysia gets on the floods. Just try googling Google News for "Malaysia", and a whole host of foreign newspapers are covering the flood situation in Malaysia. To make matters worse, reports are suggesting that certain parts of the Peninsular will be facing a drought season soon, im guessing it aint good coverage for Tahun Melawat Malaysia 07'. One wonders if the target of 60,000 tourists/day can be achieved with an initial target of 20 million tourists by year-end. WOw!

p/s: One minute, a minister says that there aren't any second contributions to those affected by the the second wave of floods in Johor. Another minute, the PM/TPM announces that there will be additional contributions. Kudos to PM/TPM, but i really think that the RM200 is nothing with consideration of today's Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). But at least it's something, right?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Curry Vs Misery

A curry house somewhere Down Under seems to be the start of a world wide venture to conquer the world with one of our signature dishes, Nasi Kandar. Nasi kandar; as the name suggests, simply means rice "carried at the end of each pole"(???). Now to the ‘misery’ part. I assume that most of my fellow readers are aware of the misery our friends in Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu are/was facing. Well, I pray that they are patient with what they are currently going through.

Why am I ‘merapuing’ bout curry houses and misery? Well, lets just say that im sad that a “khalifah” had time to enjoy a plate of nasi kandar Down Under (after officiating the joint) whilst monitoring the misery of “banjirians” and deploying resources from a far. Im sorry, but “tak sangka” that it had to come to that stage. Honestly, Im shocked!

p/s: I dunno whats happening with tanah airku…

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Year 2007: Post Saddam

First, thanks for the comments. And i agree that the media is spinning the whole world with their bias reports. And im not an advocate of the mainstream media**(thanks for the comments, Hussein).

This would be my last post on Allahyarham Saddam Hussein. Well, what has happened post-execution:

1. Increase in the number of reported deaths- US soldiers & Iraqi civilians

2.Three versions of response to the execution:

a) Agree & justified- US gov.,Shi'ites, UK govt. etc.

b) Disagree & injustice-Some Sunni's etc.

c) Neutral- others etc.

3. Rise in tensions between the Sunni's & Shi'ites.

Im more interested in the last development. Comments on the matter,anyone?

Bye 06'.Welcome 07'

p/s: just found out bout a report on the World Bank's contribution towards the construction of the israel-palestinian illegal wall.