Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Gosh..just realised its nearly been a year since i first stepped into JEK. Felt as if i just entered...Must say working has really knocked the socks off my brain cells..do this do that..crank brains at this and that..go here and there..discuss with people about this and that...multi-tasking, i guess..

i think for the past year,one of the thing's ive missed most is having quality time at night at home during weekdays which i now cherish..could hardly be at home before 8pm, always strapped either in the office or in the car (or in the inefficient Commuter train) contemplating about:

1. why the SMART tunnel is actually SEMAK cos the traffic jam has not improved but has actually worsened.

2. why the traffic jam in KL is soooooooooo congested...from A to B (which normally takes 5-10 minutes) can take an hour.

3. why the Commuter is like a coffin on wheels waiting for the right moment to disintegrate

4. why some people in KL add sambal (what the?) to their curry/dalca when eating roti canai

5. when i will get a pay rise (haha)

BUT most importantly

6. my future n my next move...emm....

In the end, i guess we just have to be grateful with what we have and dont depend & dont harbour high hopes...everyday is a challenge..

p/s: Crappy ranting's again

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