Its been more than a month ive not been posting in this blog…Pretty much have more important things to do rather than blog…emm…lets see what has occurred throughout this period…
1. The Malaysian footie team got whipped real bad in the Asian Cup…Pathetic!...Hidup Mauritius!!(view the pics)
2. Hamas n Fatah have practically split Palestine Israel
3. Mufti’s have been publicly criticized for telling the truth….I must say that people who criticize Mufti’s are in fact stupid..Yes, stupid…(no apologies for the harsh words)…Let’s be frank, Mufti’s are human beings like us, but in terms of interpreting Islam, not any tom-dick and harry can do it....that is One of the roles of Mufti’s, they have the know-how about our religion.…So why are some groups openly slamming Mufti’s as if they know more than Mufti’s? Quoting Ustaz Muhammad Uthman Al-Muhammadi, “..only surgeons have the know-how to perform certain medical surgeries and not any normal person perform those procedures…same goes with religion, only those with the knowledge and know-how can define and interpret the religion..”
4. Atlantunya’s court case (lets not get into that story).
5. My brain cells have been in over-drive mode…I need a break.
That’s bout it….My only apologies goes to all my friends if ive not kept in touch.......I’l try my best….
hehe..kawan..apa kita dekat..but very hard to pay u a visit..hehe..busy la...padahal office blakang jkr jer hehe..apsal ko tak dtg jumaat kt masjid blakang jkr kan lagi dekat hehe..aku slalu makan kt masjid india bcoz kantin office always nasi habis..aku turun lewat..byk blah la pegi masjid inida...nx week aku relax sket..monday half day..pptg tue kursus kt serdang till friday evening..hehe..ok take care bye